Someone mentioned recently that there should be more Flute on here so I offer the following track. This is an original composition and the flutes are 2 concert flutes plus bass flute. All real flutes of course. I play most members of the flute family from Piccolo C Flute Alto Flute and Bass Flute. I have left several choruses free for another soloist. Just dive in no need to ask me for permission. If you want the chord changes let me know. Thanks for listening always much appreciated. Alex
File type:m4a
File size:10.4 Mb
Weekly plays:1
Weekly downloads:4
License:Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Great chords and progressions. It's nice hear a bit of 'tastiness' in this area as opposed to the 'ole 'I ii IV V I'. A lilting melody; love the alto flute. I would suggest the flutes parts are bit too present in the mix, but they sound great. Lovely to hear this calibre of composition and playing on this site!