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And the blog is back!

23-Jul-2023 | 6:59 AM
What I've Been Doing Since iComp
In the late period of iComp I started releasing stuff through a distributor to get my songs on to Spotify and other streaming services. This process started in June 2017, about a year before the demise of iComp.

The plan was to put out an album of new material each year as well as go backwards from 2017 towards the beginning of my time at iComp. So, starting in 2017, I would put out the 2017 material but also try and put out a re-mixed and re-mastered 2016 album. The 'plan' would mean by 2027, I would have most of my better iComp stuff re-mastered and released as well as have 10 new albums going forward from 2017.

How Has The Plan Gone?
Some of it has worked, some of it has not.
My most recent release is my material fro 2013. At the end of this year I'm hoping to have my own Sgt Peppers kind of album of new material. I've managed to get back to 2013, with the 2012 retrospective album coming out next year and a new album for this year almost ready to go. In most part, I've stuck to my schedule. It is likely I'll meet my target at the end of 2026.
That's the good news.

The bad news is that the further back I go in time, I come to realise just how unfinished some of my tracks were. Also, because I went through a 2 year period of heavy sonic experimentation as well as assembling guitars and basses from parts, that part of my iComp back catalogue is pretty sparse.

What Else Is Going On?
After a long absence from playing live - due to y'know, spending a lot of time recording - I've joined a punk band. It's pretty low in ambition as well as not very demanding to play. It's been fun, and it has shed a fresh perspective on all this recording stuff. I get introduced as the guy who has 220+ songs on Spotify. It's kind of weird. 

Back in the day, I had about 40 loyal listeners on iComp. These days I have 40 followers on Spotify. When I play live with the band, it seems I play to about 40 people. 40, is the number of my audience, which ever way I slice it.  

Nice to see you here :)
Latest song: What If?
6 months ago
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