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Music Video

04-Jun-2024 | 11:30 PM
Any chance we will be able to post music video here on iband in the near future? 
Hoping Dr J will consider to do it 
I'd like to. However, every video would need to be checked, because some sicko could come along and post something horrific. Manually checking each video wouldn't be realistic, so that leaves some kind of AI solution. If it's affordable, I'd have to learn how to incorporate it. So it's not a trivial thing to do. At least that's the way I see things, but maybe some of you have ideas of how to more easily make it a reality?
16 days ago
Thanks Dr J for your response .. 
I guess you have a valid point Vids need to be scanned prior posting & it requires time maybe if some reliable iband member would volunteer to check the video content prior approval would you consider exploring this possibilty?  i would recommend Alanatomic :)
Latest song: Idle Talk
16 days ago
Yep. All manner of sickos about. You are WISE to proceed with caution.
Color me grateful!
Latest song: Hand In Hand
9 days ago
I'm using AI to create images relevant to the song/story. It is hit or miss, but sometimes apt. I've not taken the time for quality control, yet
7 days ago
Is it appropriate to leave a video link to the same song in the description? I've been doing video for more music in the last 3-4 years--especially lyric videos for vocal & choral music. Makes it much easier for the listener to follow and understand, and more FB user friendly.
2 days ago
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