Music » Alternative » Garni » Song
What If?
by   Garni
Song information
This song, titled "What If?", tells the story of a bittersweet long-distance romance. It begins with two people falling in love in a foreign city, knowing their time together is limited due to visa restrictions. They're forced apart by geographical and legal barriers, but maintain a strong friendship despite the separation.

There is lingering thoughts about how things might have been different if circumstances had allowed them to stay together. As time passes, both people move on with their lives and find new relationships, but the singer still thinks about their former love.

They stay in touch and remain close friends, but the distance between them is always present. There is gratitude for the connection they still share, but can't help wondering about what could have been if things had worked out differently.

There's a sense of regret, nostalgia, and a struggle to fully move on from this past relationship, even as life continues. And the song paints a picture of enduring emotional ties that persist across time and distance, leaving the question about the impact of fate on what they went through.

Music, Lyrics, Vocals and Mix: Garni
Released: 30-Jun-2024
Category: Alternative
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 13.0 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 8
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
by Gerald G (Garni)
Copyright ©2024

Verse 1
In a city far from home
We found love, just us alone
But time was short, we always knew
Our hearts entwined, but visas flew

Verse 2
Oceans wide and borders tall
Tore us apart, beyond our call
Yet friendship stayed, a gentle light
In lonely days and endless nights

So what if, what if things were different?
And what if fate had been more lenient? (If things were different)
I see your photographs on the screen
And wonder what we could have been! (photographs stay in my dreams)


Verse 3
Years have passed, we've both moved on
New loves came, but something's wrong
I try to build, to start anew
But thoughts of you keep breaking through


We're still in touch, we're still so close
But distance haunts like a silent ghost
I'm grateful for the love we share
Yet part of me wishes you were here



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Solid track Garn ...
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2 days ago
I like the way you get us back in the 80's. Wow, at 1'32, orchestration is wide and powerful. Really a very cool track.
2 days ago
Great work on all fronts.
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1 day ago
This song reminds me a little of 90s era OYSTERBAND. And that's a GOOD thing.
Anyway, another enjoyable slice of sonic bliss!
16 hours ago
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