Music » Rock » Sociallite1957 » Song
Song information
Here's a lighthearted one I thought up about 8 years ago. I used a Mixcraft drum track and the rest is me playing on the AKAI midi.

Thanks for listening
Released: 11-May-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 2.7 Mb
Plays: 16
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 11
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed

© copyright 2016 jdorrance


Bundle up my future  pop and roller;
Set my little dumplin' in the stroller
Tool around the block
Everybody smiles your name, your name;
You're of fortune and fame;
Porcelain, Porcelain

Porcelain, where in heaven do you hail from?
Porcelain, my child, my child;
Stick around for a while
Porcelain, porcelain, porce la la la la lane

(music break)

Porce- la la lain
Porce- la la lain


Bundle up my future  pop and roller;
Set my little dumplin' in the stroller
You do your grammy proud
Stoking sunshine through the rain, the rain;
Making happy again
Porcelain, porcelain

Porcelain, where n'heaven do you hail from?
Porcelain, my child, my child;
Stick around for a while
Porcelain, porcelain, porce la la la la lain

Porcelain, porcelain, porce la la la la lain

Porcelain, porcelain, porce la la la la lain

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Perfect as is. Great track, great vibe and energy.
Latest song: Chaos
4 months ago
Great song. Rocking and rolling along here
Latest song: Strange Love
4 months ago
Yes greet vibe and energy 
Well enjoyed 😊🙏🏻🙌🏼
4 months ago
This is a joyful, bouncy song with an old timey pop feel! Had me smilin' and tapping my feet!
Latest song: Days Go By
4 months ago
I Like it a lot.  That music and the singing is great.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
4 months ago
I am laughing, and still there is enough here to be serious about.  Excellent group vocals!  Thanks for posting Joyce.  
4 months ago
@alanatomic , @KennethLavrsen , @yoslounge , @Wyndsok , @TrebleFace , @Daugrin - Thank you all for visiting me and 'Porcelain'
4 months ago
Go on @Sociallite1957 !!! what a foot tapping vocal performance , You certainly rock this.. This had me singing along literally 5 seconds in 👏👏👏👏👏
Latest song: A dream for peace
4 months ago
Singing is great! I like fun songs like this. 
Latest song: Come Closer
4 months ago
Oh yeah! Very catchy!
4 months ago
@Barretok : Glad you enjoyed this.. Thanks so much
@Sprout Hi Dave- That's a very good sign- thanks for the positive feedback
@Grathy : Thanks.. glad you 'caught' it
4 months ago
Rock & Roll. Delightfull 12 bar that has put an even broader smile on smiley's face.
Latest song: I Can't do it
4 months ago
Has a very late 70's/early 80's new wave vibe.   Lene Lovich comes to mind.   The vocals are great and the song is very infectious.   
Latest song: University
4 months ago
@Smileygeezer : Glad this brought a smile to your face- even a broader one- thanks so very much
@Venturesome  Hi Mark- Such insightful imput- Why didn't I think of that? Thx once again
4 months ago
Love it Joyce!!! I collect dolls, I'll be singing this to them before they go bed tonight lol :)
4 months ago
@deezee ..That is so nice...awesome me feel good.thank you
4 months ago
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