Hi I am not very good at all the policies that come with communities. Just a simple question Are songs about religion and politics frowned up on here? I am curious more than anything.
I've posted a few political songs here and haven't noticed any push back about them. And I'm sure I will be posting more (I have several on deck.)
The way I take it is it's not the music that's frowned on, but the potential for unpleasant and heated discourse that is the concern. I've been on a few music sites in the past where political differences between some of the members (never more than a handful at most - usually just two or three) and the ensuing arguments caused a lot of unpleasantness. Even when it's such a small portion of the active members, if it gets played across comments, chat and the forums, it really becomes a major annoyance to everyone on the site.
Basically, we just need to act like grown-ups (at least in this area) and be civil to one another and things should be fine.
It's fine to write songs about these topics. But blogs and forums should generally be kept to music-related topics. I'm relaxed about things, but if I notice anyone antagonizing another, I'll put a stop to it.
One more clarification. Because there's no "Political" music category yet, when I do post a politcal song I label it "Explicit." I suspect my own views are in the minority here and I don't want anyone to feel they're being sucker punched.
BTW, one of my fave musicians here has views very different than mine, but I love the guy and will always support his music.
I’ll never cross the line here - I’m just genuinely curious. I’m not religious, and while I do have political views, they’re something I prefer to keep private. I have close friends, and some of my collaborators hold strong religious beliefs come out in their music.
Well Gerald, I suspect the reaction will be mostly in your favor, as most folk on this site seem to be leftists.
I for one am curious to see whether folk will begin cancelling each other over political disagreements. (A sure sign of emotional and intellectual immaturity!)
I despise leftism in all its forms; but I make a distinction between the ideology and its unknowing victims, so I am able to love and appreciate them anyway. And I do. I have been supportive of folk with views diametrically opposed to my own for decades, and will continue to do so.
I've recorded a number of political songs in the past twenty-five years. I've only posted two so far, partially because I find politics so distasteful (a necessary evil, as it were), and I assume (whether rightly or wrongly) other folks do too.
---But if the floodgates open up I will probably be posting them.
I will, however, label them "EXPLICIT" as a courtesy, at least until Justin adds the category "Political."
It's not nice to sucker-punch your friends and colleagues!