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an altered analog reality

25-Aug-2024 | 8:42 PM
on the 21st of July 2024. Myself and the wife were involved in a car crash no broken limbs but the car got smashed nicely.  what is commonly known as a pile up was the end result and us being in the middle of it all. Anyhoo I digress the main issue for me of late has been concentration or functional thought for creativity. I haven't being avoiding  people or doing things just had other things to deal with. So to get to the point car crash  lots of pain ongoing pain due to whiplash blah blah blah.  A few people know about this  incident haven't really been forthcoming over it due to the fact that well shit happens and life dose its thing, But today I decided to do a tune. Now to be blunt I don't do stuff for peoples benefits of audio pleasure its for mine if you happen to like it great thanks for listening . I did this track because my mind has been all over the place things have been of kilter as they say and iam not going to scream on about the lack of sleep or the pain or the fact that I can no longer look at a mini in the same way ever again. I will simply state that the track that is the same name as this blog is the result of me just wanting to let out a bit of mayhem. I have done other tracks as well but at the moment I feel that they may just represent a bit of a pissed off lapskin / Matt and iam not really in the mood to explain how a world of mayhem and chaos is just simply a car crash on a Sunday in July 
Glad you are okay! Music is an amazing outlet.
1 month ago
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