Music » Other » Fisherman70 » Song
The Cell Cycle
Song information
I taught biology for a lot of years and the cell cycle, about how your cells grow and divide, was an interesting topic for a song. Or maybe not.
Released: 12-Feb-2024
Category: Other
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 11.7 Mb
Plays: 3
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
The lyrics for the mitosis song

My Life As A Cell
(Ode to Mitosis)

I was just a lonely cell
with DNA inside
I grew larger every hour
And soon had to divide.

I wasn’t lonely anymore
‘Cause now I had a daughter
Yes I had done mitosis right
with all the steps in order.

Spent most of life in interphase        
Called G1 to be precise
then the s phase started up
And making  DNA felt nice.

G2 came next
 I’m sure you know
Then the main event
My life as one about to end
Don’t know where the time went.

It started out with prophase
my DNA did coil
I had to pack it up just right
Or the whole process would spoil.

Next step I did was metaphase
Put chromosomes in line
Then they start to separate
Called anaphase this time.

Soon they were so far away
They call it telophase
cytokinesis then occurs
to end this dividing craze

And so it goes, day and night
As my host organism grows
I wonder if he thinks of me
I wonder if he knows

The glory of the cell cycle
I know he’s quite precocious
But if he grows up too quick
I’ll have to start meiosis.
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