Music » Classical » Nevin » Song
Saint-Saëns' "Aquarium", No. 7 from "Le Carnival des animaux"
by   Nevin
Song information
Doing this piece was a request that turned into a pleasant result. Every measure was a new adventure in typesetting.
Released: 17-Mar-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Other
File type: m4a
File size: 3.8 Mb
Plays: 6
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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This french compositor's music for used as the credits of a cinema show on a french channel. Very well performed. 
6 months ago
I came to this piece after watching the film "Days of Heaven" with a soundtrack by Ennio Morricone. The main theme for the film is based on Aquarium. The film by Terrence Malik is a masterpiece and is defined by the photography and soundtrack.
6 months ago
This was brilliant!
Latest song: Exposure
6 months ago
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