Music » Pop » Toveco » Song
The Swamp
by   Toveco
Song information
Collab with Paul Curtis and Will Walton (LazyJane on icomp)
Released: 10-Jun-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 10.4 Mb
Plays: 17
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
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Love those vocals and harmonies , that draw/ rotary organ is perfection !! and then that beautiful guitar sings its riff , what a perfect way to relax on a day off 👌👌
Latest song: A dream for peace
3 months ago
"This is what you hate, and why you hate it so."  Splendid lyric.  Bravo!  
This is a song for today, wrapped in the past.  Excellent work! 
3 months ago
This is really good! 
Love Will's vocals. 
Outstanding and insightful lyrics!
Great guitar and organ playing throughout.
What's not to love?
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
3 months ago
Hey, this was LOVE at first listen. Everything about it! Minor chords fit like 2nd skin
3 months ago
What a great song. I very much enjoyed it from beginning to end. The vocals are so good. Excellent!
Latest song: Come Closer
3 months ago
Love everything about this song.  The talent on this site is very impressive.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
3 months ago
Sounds great1
3 months ago
Collab with Will, this reminds me all the great collabs we did with him a few years ago Tom. 
This one is perfect to my ears, much enjoyed.
3 months ago
Almost sounds like a Slow Train outtake. This is pretty smooth.
Latest song: Carvan Sun
3 months ago
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