Music » Rock » eX1_Music » Song
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This is part of my second song I ever wrote back in 2006 that I decided to do a test with. I chuckled every time I listened because it was supposed to sound like a Pink Floyd song but I failed LOL. Anyway, I recently discovered ai and thought to try it out. Well, to my amazement, I didn’t laugh at the results. I added a few extra parts in LOGIC and thought it turned out pretty cool. Thanks for listening. Been out of the loop for a very long time….since the “ icomposition days “ Nice to see it looks very similar.
Released: 09-Jul-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 12.2 Mb
Plays: 9
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
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Does recall a Rick Wright flavor.  The melody is a glorious surprise when it appears.  Guitar is a surprise as well!  Entertaining tune that grows and evolves.  Bravo! 
2 months ago
Not a fan of AI, but what you have acheived here is qiute nice!
Welcome aboard man. This site needs more ROCKERS.
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2 months ago
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