Music » New Age » scotthorwath » Song
Golden Dusk
Song information
This a musical virtual project .
( it does not permit us to list it as a ..."

... "collaboration" , since these other collaborators are not on this site, as members yet.. This features Lexi, scott, and Hellmut on saxophone ... thanks ... have a great day!

Released: 29-Jul-2024
Category: New Age
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 9.7 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Lounge and proud, time does stand still.  The chanteuse does an excellent job.  Terrific playing on this record.  
2 months ago
Geez... Whilst listening I instinctively almost ordered a drink! LOL...
Authentic cocktail lounge music. Hellmutt delivers some bad a*s sax riffs.
Great job all!
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
2 months ago
Yes if collabs are not members, there's no way to do it. This is a relaxing piece. I am enjoying it as it decompresses me. Good one.
2 months ago
Sounds like a cross between club music and music specifically meant for lounges or relaxing.   The vocals are done super well, and the combination of the sax and both pianos (electric and acoustic) is a really speical thing.   Great fantastic work here. 
Latest song: University
1 month ago
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