Music » Electronica » Sprout » Song
by   Sprout
Song information
I have no idea what this is !!, I was boiling the kettle for a coffee and this repeating tune was in my head so I just sat sipping my coffee at my pc and had a play ......... ( apologies )
Released: 13-Nov-2023
Category: Electronica
Application: FL Studio
File type: mp3
File size: 3.6 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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And I thought my head was busy. It's EURO-TRONICA!!!!
Latest song: Chaos
10 months ago
Coffee must be good for you because the result is really good.
Latest song: Strange Love
10 months ago
Thank you Tom :)
Latest song: A dream for peace
10 months ago
Thank you Kenneth, I do like my black coffee no sugar .... Keeps me alert :)
Latest song: A dream for peace
10 months ago
Hi kids, boys and girls, ibandstanders one and all. I just listened to Sprouts latest, an instrumental that took ole Dick Clark on a rhythmic journey inspired by the anticipation of waiting for a coffee kettle to boil. And believe me, I'm not a patient man when it comes to waiting for water to boil. The percussion in this piece was absolutely captivating—it mirrored the building tension of water coming to a boil. The beats echoed the rhythmic sounds of bubbles forming and the subtle hum of the kettle. Thanks to Sprout for feeling the inspiration and putting it out here for our hungry ears. All that was missing was the whistle from that kettle. The composition captured the essence of that moment with precision. The syncopated rhythms felt like drops of water hitting the boiling surface, creating a pulsating sensation. It's amazing how Sprout translated the everyday act of waiting for coffee into a rhythmic and percussive experience. That takes some patience and loads of talent. This is a fantastic example of how music can tap into the nuances of our daily lives. 'Pulsation' is a rhythmic journey that turns the ordinary into a sensory delight. Well done! Dick Clark is a fan! Just Dick
10 months ago
Awesome sound & @alanatomic his remark brought a smile @DickClark awesome & detailed original feed
10 months ago
reminds me of another group but for the life of me I can't figure out who but iam enjoying the track similar ish
10 months ago
Oh this sounds so pretty. I really love it. Bravo!!!!!!
10 months ago
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