Music » Other » Sprout » Song
A dream for peace
by   Sprout
Song information
Decided to re work something I posted some time back , and I attempted to play piano ( badly ) but it was fun and that's what music is all about ... Hope everyone is keeping well and as always I send my love to you all ❤️
Dave .....
Released: 09-Sep-2024
Category: Other
Application: FL Studio
File type: mp3
File size: 4.6 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 10
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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Lovely melody and piano play
Ahh peace such a rare commodity 
Human nature is so wild and destructive 
We keep faith though for a better world 
Amen 🙏🏻
Latest song: Tunable Weed
9 days ago
"badly"? I think not!
A lovely piece. Melody goes straight to the heart!
Something to be proud of Dave...
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
9 days ago
A beautiful melody. Really beautiful. No worry with the piano play.  It sounds great.
Latest song: Strange Love
9 days ago
Hi Dave- this really sounded extemely peaceful to me and lived up to its title
9 days ago
Yes, PEACE for ALL! Great message, and your piece here is an inspirational one! Very good melody. Your piano is fine to me! 
9 days ago
8 days ago
Simply beautiful. Piano playing is fine to my ears.
7 days ago
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