Music » Classical » thsantac » Song
A Soap Bubble Over Sea (Part 2)
Song information
A Soap Bubble Over Sea - Part 2

In part 1, I narrated the little story of a child and a soap bubble :

Once upon a time, a little children liked to play with soap bubbles, he could spend hours trying to make the biggest one. And one day, he succeeded. The bubble was so big and strong that it never pops. A lot of fun they had together, it was an incredible relationship and the bubble became his best friend. But one day, the wind was so violent that it took the bubble very far away and sent it over the sea. The little children was depressed, he had lost his single friend. But the bubble never popped and fought against the elements, the wind and the sea tried to make it pop without success. It had a lot of adventures and somehow was happy to discover the world. And after a thousand miles journey over the sea, the bubble fell down on a beach, far from its friend.... No one knows what happened to it after.

In part 2 :

So now, the bubble is alone on a seaside. It is very despaired and sad. How will it be able to find back its little friend? No chance at all. Then it spent weeks and weeks looking over the sea hoping something will happen. And one day... A boat arrived. Is it possible? The bubble was very excited. And then, a little barque came to the island, and who was in the barque? The little boy. They were so happy to be back together... The little boy put the bubble in a box and never lost it.

Hope you'll enjoy.


Cover by David (DavidSmithFinzi)
Released: 18-Sep-2024
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 16.0 Mb
Plays: 15
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 4
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
What a wonderful story. I can imagine the lovely movie.
Beautiful song.  You are a great composer.  The story reminds me of Flying In The Air and also amazingly when my niece was 6 she wrote a story about her best friend puddles that came out after it rained.  She played with puddles until the sun came out and dried the puddle up and she lost her friend.
Latest song: Another Day
5 months ago
Beautiful story, Thierry. Just listened to part I before that. As always, the work on the textures and dynamics is fabulous. Also emotional. And that's the hardest part... You succeed, of course. Bravo. And thank you for the trip...
Latest song: Chocolate Jesus
5 months ago
Wow! This is wonderful! So much texture in this!
Your are the best in this style of music!! Kudos Bro!!
Latest song: The Astronaut
5 months ago
You should write children's books Thierry. 
Throughout BOTH parts I could picture the story unfolding thanks to the info you provided.
Love the gradual change of mood and pace at around 2:39...
Joyous reunion begins at around 4:56?
Latest song: Time Traveler
5 months ago
A fantastic conclusion!
I seriously enjoyed both parts to the story and the piece.
Thanks for sharing!
5 months ago
Quite a tale... lots of imagination, Thierry.
Your music took me on that floaty journey tooooooooo.....with the cloudy waves slow ...and then exciting waves...floating in the desirable the feel of this piece! You're a master!
Latest song: River Man
5 months ago
Wonderful story here! Bravo
Latest song: Do Not Give Up
5 months ago
Vivid and intriguing sonic story telling. Even without your story, an interesting journey is evoked.
Latest song: The Well
5 months ago
Great elobrative piece and great story.  Music is super well arranged.  Super choice.
5 months ago
I love the tone language you use in this piece. I see everything happen inside my mind when listening to your music and having read the story. Lovely work.
Latest song: Witch Dance
5 months ago
Enchanting levels. So multi-layered. You are sent onwards in so many places and always discover something new.
Latest song: Agitation (17)
5 months ago
@Grathy @TrebleFace @Dyl @Garni @Wyndsok @jgurner @StanTheManLoh @Micguitare @Bowman @Venturesome @KennethLavrsen @Dadanaut 
Never thought I could get all these beautiful comments for this piece. I am so grateful for all these wonderful words. Thanks a lot to all my dear friends here.
5 months ago
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