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Artist page on iCompositions

21-Aug-2024 | 5:57 AM

Wanted to share a link to get your old artist page on iCompositions (via 
Mine is :

If you change my artist nickname with yours I guess you will get your old artist page :-)

I was amazed by the number of plays we could get at that time (I got more than 4100 plays for a collab with abzwork...).

Give it a try :-)
I think the number of plays was always suspect. 
The Wayback Machine has also archived a small number of musical pieces as well. Not a lot; however, if you poke about, you might get lucky and find a piece of yours (or others) that has been catalogued by the Archive. 
I found this one on the Wayback Engine:
6 months ago
Ha! Found my page from April 6, 2010. I went by "Calchas" back then.
Yup... the site was huge and so artists songs got a LOT of plays.
I was newer and not as well known as some other site stalwarts, so tended to get fewer.
Nevertheless, one of my tunes has 330 plays! Lowest got 78. Most fell between 100 and 200 plays.
Latest song: All Is Quiet
6 months ago
Sadly, none of my listed songs were archived, but I notice that when one drags the curser over a song title the "liner notes" appear. They were a hoot to read...
Latest song: All Is Quiet
6 months ago
---if anyone is up for a laugh, check out the "liner notes" for THIS DESERT PLACE and IT'S NOT THE SAME. I can't believe I was that goofy!
Latest song: All Is Quiet
6 months ago
Thanks for that. I looked up my old page (smileygeezer) and I too was amazed at the number of plays. I know this is still a fledgling site but wouldn't it be great if ibandstand reached the same dizzy hieghts.
Latest song: So Confused
6 months ago
Back in the day I was booted off iComp for defending a fellow artist (good friend of mine) after she was picked on for a cover.
My account was subsequently deleted. So I cant find my music on that iComp archive.
Latest song: House of Cards
6 months ago
Thank you, Thierry!  
Wow thats pretty cool.  Its like looking back in time... Also neat to see that clicking on songs and artists works too.  Just not the actual song plays or downloads.  Still nice to take a walk down memory lane.  Thank you for sharing.
Latest song: Muddy Water
6 months ago
wow!! i cant believe the play counts
a LOT of my stuff back then I think was not that good in retrospect
was either too stupidly brave or just too stoned to NOT post some stuff lol
i wish I had monetized my song Dry Hump (6384 plays by the end)
Thanks for posting this, thsantac!
6 months ago
It worked for me. I had over 470 songs there. Saw them and even was able to play one.
22 days ago
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