Music » Other » Sociallite1957 » Song
Scratch Your Own Itch
Song information
I don't know how to describe this ditty. Composed this piece of fluff 12 years ago when I was in my final stages of naivete. Don't even know what inspired me to write this- maybe overdosed on Oreos..Novelty? Country? Naturally tripping I guess.. Mixcraft virtual instruments and the old cranking AKAI Keyboard.. or what it's worth.. Hope you can get a smile from this clunker at the very least.. Going to sleep now..
Released: 14-Sep-2024
Category: Other
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 5.2 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 8
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
Scratch Your Own Itch

copyright © 2012 jdorrance

 Scratch your own itch;
Float your own boat
Life takes a heap of handling so
Scratch your own itch;
Crack your own whip;
You be a whole lot better for it

 Carry your tune
Shine your own light
So what if they try to put a sticker on ya'
Carry that tune;
Sing to the moon
Have a swig of worry-free

  Hop, skip and jump
to feel fit as a fiddle;
toe tapper; hand clapper
hot off the griddle
You're your only you;
Whatever you do..

3-Scratch your own itch
Wave your own flag
A few steps ahead of the game is something
Carry this tune;
White-out the blues
Be a whole lot better for it..wooh

( short instrumental break)
  hop, skip and jump
to feel fit as a fiddle;
toe tapper; hand clapper
hot off the griddle
You're your only you;
Whatever you do

 Scratch your own itch;
Float your own boat
Life takes a heap of a handling so
Scratch your own itch;
Crack your own whip;
You be a whole lot better for it

Scratch your own itch
Set your own pace
So what if they try to put a sticker on ya'
Carry that tune;
White out the blues
Have a swig of worry-free. woh woh

Carry your tune;
Shed your own light
Life takes a heap of handling 
so scratch your own itch
crack your own whip
you'll be a whole lot better for it 

Scratch your own itch

Float your own boat

Carry this tune..woh 

Have a swig of worry-free
( we found it)

Scratch your own itch;
Float your own boat
Life takes a heap of handlin'

Carry this tune
Straight into the deep blue sea..

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"fluff"? Perhaps... but clever and entertaining as hell!
Love the harmony vocals in this one.
Latest song: Reckless
4 days ago
Very entertaining Joyce!!
Harmonies work so well!!
Latest song: Synestia
3 days ago
Very entertaining.  Vocals are great, as usual, and the strings are a great addition.  The chorus does provide a great hook
Latest song: The Big Electron
3 days ago
@Venturesome  Greetings Mark.. Thank you very much for checking this out
2 days ago
Well written song. I like the style. I feel it belongs to a theatre stage. Maybe a variety show.. Great singing
Latest song: Strange Love
1 day ago
@KennethLavrsen  I hear ya' .. Maybe an old Doris Day movie?   It's funny cause I have never been into stage musicals or film musicals, yet I sometimes have songs like this that sound like they belong in one.. I sure appreciate your listen and feedback
1 day ago
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