Music » Alternative » Wyndsok » Song
OLMEC Dreamscape
by   Wyndsok
Song information
Back in 2004, when I first started working in Garage Band, I recorded a lot of instrumentals using loops, samples, and keyboards.

This is one of approx. 45 pieces I composed between 2004 and 2006.

Of all the pieces I recorded at that time this one easily stands out as my favorite.

My son Nathan worked with me on this one.

I would like to dedicate this post to the mighty Omar Nasr (yoslounge). He has from the beginning been one of the mainstays of our little community. A great talent and a really good guy.

You ROCK bro!

Remastered in 2024 by Tom Hellsten@TSTstudios. Heartfelt thanks as always!
Released: 14-Sep-2024
Category: Alternative
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 13.9 Mb
Plays: 15
Downloads: 2
Weekly plays: 15
Weekly downloads: 2
License: No derivative works allowed



(No kidding!)
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I love these loops! Really nice sounds!
Latest song: Smile
3 days ago
Nice use of GB loops. Enjoyed this!
Yes agree with you Omar is a top fellow!
Latest song: Synestia
3 days ago
šŸ˜ this some wild comp you got hereĀ 
Well put together ...
Thank you for the dedication MichaelĀ 
Awesome jungle rhythm and wild leadĀ 
Latest song: Tunable Weed
3 days ago
It is mostly loops, though not entirely. I played the melody and the bass on the keyboards.
My son Nathan helped me with locating those metallic lead guitar samples. I edited and spliced them of course to get the notes I wanted.Ā 
Just so you know, no Jaguars were harmed in the making of this tune! Lol...
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
3 days ago
Thanks Gerald. What can I say? Omar's creativity inspires me.
This post is my way of saying thanks to the man...
Glad you enjoyed this one!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
3 days ago
Thank you Omar. I was hoping you'd like this one!Ā 
Stuff you've been posting of late reminded me of this and a few others I did back in the day.
Thanks for the smiles and the inspiration bro!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
3 days ago
I can dig this. The lead guitar really hits the spot.Ā  Cool effects.Ā Ā 
Latest song: The Big Electron
3 days ago
Hi Mark. A bit different from my usual fare. This one is from before I began writing songs.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
3 days ago
Talented hands can turn loops into magic. Fun listen Mike.
2 days ago
Nice progressive piece of music Mike. Ā Is that you in the guitar? Ā It's ripping good.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
2 days ago
Thank you Charlie. Yep. Mostly loops on this oldie.
Glad you enjoyed the ride!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
2 days ago
Hey Matt, no that isn't me on the guitar. Except for the melody and the bass which were played on a keyboard, it's all modified loops and samples. I didn't own an electric guitar at the time. Got my first one a few months later. Hah! I wish I really COULD play like that!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
2 days ago
We are the same: we love surprises in our pieces. I like the change at 2'13. I started with GB as you did: playing with loops and sometime you get something special. A piece full of suprises,Ā a piece that is really not boring. AndĀ Omar is one of our pillars :-)
1 day ago
Very cool piece of music. Lots of development and cool details
Latest song: Strange Love
1 day ago
You're more prolific than I am, my friend! The African sounding piece is very good!
1 day ago
Yes Thierry, we both cut our musical teeth in much the same way it seems. (I'll probably post one more of these old "prehistoric" instrumentals in the near future just for the fun of it.)
Glad you enjoyed my little surprises!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
1 day ago
Hey thanks for listening Kenneth to this very experimental old piece.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
1 day ago
Prolific? I suppose so. Over 100 tunes in 20 years.
African? It's supposed to be Central American! Lol...
Glad you stopped by bro.
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
1 day ago
A wild one! Very interesting parts and changes. I remember discovering GaragaBand back then. What a wonderful time. It was and is a great helper when making music.
Latest song: Bitternis
20 hours ago
Very nice and creative developments here, Mike. And yes, we can all agree, Omar is an inspiring musician and human being. Been there since Icomp days and still is. A rock.
10 hours ago
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