Music » Latin » Telemetry » Song
Just A Castanet
Song information
I released this bit in 2004. Any one want to try the vocal?
Released: 08-Dec-2023
Category: Latin
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 4.6 Mb
Plays: 7
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
                    Just A Castanet  


As she dances every night, Trying to get her steps just  right. 

There where no one else can see, and without a melody. 

Just a castanet;  the only band she gets. 

Just a castanet;  the only band she gets. 
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Very nice track, can't wait to hear some vocals addition to it
Latest song: Here I Stand
9 months ago
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