Music » Metal » Toveco » Song
Last Night In Sweden
by   Toveco
Song information
Music. Svante Lahti, Sweden
Vocal, Lyrics. Rainer Michael Ludwig, Germany
Mix Master Tom Hellsten, Thailand
Released: 28-Dec-2023
Category: Metal
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 10.2 Mb
Plays: 18
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Good to hear some metal here. Things are a mess in unexpected places these days.
Latest song: June Wedding
9 months ago
Not a great fan of metal but when it's mixed by you it's very damn good metal Tom.
9 months ago
Wow, Thank you, Thierry!
Great intro. Cool metal song. Transparent mix as I like it and that is often a challenge with metal. I need to take a trip to Malmö soon. It has been several months. I live 20 minutes from Øresunsbron on the Danish side.
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
Thanks Kenneth! Does Malmö still exist? I would never go there today, I think this song is about Malmö.
I'm usually not a big fan of this genre, but somehow this song stands out. It is really done with good production. The vocals here are actually kinda refreshing. Muy bueno Toveco.
Latest song: University
9 months ago
Oh I really like the intro!!! This song really tells a story! And a terrific title! And what a great vocalist! Wish I had that kind of voice!
9 months ago
Thank you all for all the nice comments! HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
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