Music » Comedy » Fisherman70 » Song
Off The List
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This is kind of an historical document now. The year was 2006. Icompositions was getting popular and musicians far and wide were coming online, collaborating and creating serious music. Then summer and the kids got out of school. Then the great list war started. For those who were not there or don't remember the site had a list of top ten songs for the week. Getting on that list meant that your tune was front and center and got more listens, likes, and downloads than any others. Problem was that the list renewed at midnight Saturday. This is where the kid problem started. They were bored, learned how to use programs like Garageband and flooded the site with their little two or three loop concoctions. They told their friends who listened, liked and downloaded them which put them on the list and knocked the older and more serious users off the list. The outrage was building for weeks on the message boards and forums. The little punk kids were knocking the serious musicians off the list week after week. I found it amusing, especially since I had dealt with little punk kids in my job for years and knew how they worked. I knew they would soon get bored and go away and they did. Anyway, with this tune I tried to put myself in the place of someone outraged by being knocked off the list. I tried to use some of the loops popular with the little punk kids and ironically this was the only tune I ever got individually on the list where it stayed for two or three weeks knocking off some of the little punk kids.
Released: 09-Jan-2024
Category: Comedy
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 7.5 Mb
Plays: 6
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 4
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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lol funny love it!!
Interesting "liner notes." I didn't come to iComp till probably 2008 or 2009, so I missed that crazy scene. Sure hope we never have to deal with that sort of thing! I feel your rage! Ha ha ... 😆🤪🤣
So original piece with a great use of GarageBand's classical loops.
1 year ago
I remember this. What a chuckle-from-the-past. :) The world was different then. Posting music was different then.
1 year ago
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