Music » Pop » Toveco » Song
Road Trip
Song information
Concept/idea: Mikael Lindh (Fretnoises)
Drums: Scott Carmichael
Vocal: Steve Gottwals
Mix/Master: Tom Hellsten TSTstudio

Released: 10-Jan-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 11.7 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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I particularly like the chords and production on this one. The vocals are great too.
Latest song: University
8 months ago
So professional sound my friend.
8 months ago
I love the subtly in the guitar work.. and how it sparkles through in the breaks... also digging the muted Malot-synth the percolates underneath as the song progresses... nice build.. this song stayed with me for quite awhile after working on it... that is a sign of a good tune... when I keep hearing it as I drive away from my house... excellent job Tom... and great writing Mikael
8 months ago
@Venturesome @thsantac @ScottCarmichael Thanks a lot for the nice comment about the song and my mix :)
Nive guitar intro. Good song too! And of course it's got the Tommy mix! Good stuff!
6 months ago
@StanTheManLoh Thank you Stan :)
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