Music » Folk » Venturesome » Song
Wait Around For You Part One
Song information
Venturesome is back! I wrote and initially recorded this in 2015. I had wanted to cover "No Time To Lose," by the Tarney Spencer Band, as I really liked that one and felt it would sound cool with orchestration or a different arrangement. I ended up just writing my own song with a same feel. The lyric could be universal as we've all had people we've hoped to rely on who have flaked out, and hopefully, we've been able to continue to plod on without sitting around for them to get their act together. This is an updated version of the tune which I hope eveyone likes.
Released: 03-Mar-2024
Category: Folk
Application: Studio One
File type: mp3
File size: 2.5 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 10
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
Where did you go,  we were counting on you
Did you forget about us, why did you
Yeah you promised to lend a helping hand today
But you left us high and dry

But I'm not a fair weather friend
You say you're in great demand
Everybody flocks to you
But time ran out on you

Not gonna wait around for you
Not gonna hang all things on you
And I've gotta keep on moving

You could have told us that had other things
That got in the way
I'm well aware of the others that you hold close to you
Maybe they though it was cool, to keep you away

But I'm not a fair weather friend
You should remember who I am
I'm not a normal drop in a stream of water
And things are moving on

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Cool song, nice work on the guitar. 
3 months ago
lovely guitar work & your vocals you know i like superb sound & i like how the song build up to more rock
well enjoyed the latter part doors feel lead with the organ sound 
3 months ago
Lovely guitar picking and strumming. I like hearing your voice more upfront in the mix this time.
Agree with Omar re the build up. Song is well put together. The change ups really work, hold my attention, and make me drool with anticipation for what's next...And there it is! A nice lead solo!
3 months ago
The lyrics are universal, but also sound quite personal. You’re right, all of us have been disappointed by those we thought we could count on us. It often hurts and we can ponder it but ultimately we have to move on. Good song my friend.  Charlie
Latest song: A Little Dance
3 months ago
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