Music » Electronica » Telemetry » Song
Desert Trooper
Song information
White Drum on Drums; Telemetry on sequencer.
Released: 01-Apr-2024
Category: Electronica
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 8.5 Mb
Plays: 14
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Like it, sounds good :)
Like that bass line right outta the gate!
Interesting composition. Something ethnic about it, put I can't put my finger on just what it is...
Anyway, it's a very enjyable piece gents! A tasty bit of JAM...
Latest song: Days Go By
6 months ago
Cool drun and keyboard work. A fine track. Really good
Latest song: Strange Love
6 months ago
The drum and bass lines are totaly 60's Rock vibes.  The middle east ethnic bits are in the use of harmonic minor
scales. Thanks for your comments.
Latest song: Cool Cat Burglary
6 months ago
Summer Sunday chill music. So relaxing. Love the key solo halfway through (2:24). What sound is that?
Latest song: Carvan Sun
6 months ago
Really good. Enjoyed!!
6 months ago
Sounds as it was recorded in the 60's :-)
5 months ago
yes that bassline real nice
what a splendid piece of music 
well enjoyed
5 months ago
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