My own composition. Inspired at the time by two of my grown up children. Four and five at the time. Just after my lovely mum sadly passed away at 83 years old. My daughter Sarah said to me one day out the blue... Mummy where is Nanna. I said she's gone to heaven. . She said Where is Heaven, Mummy? I picked her up looked out the window and pointed to the sky. I replied Nanna is up there in Heaven now with the angels. She looked a bit perplexed and then Said. Mummy that looks very far away. 'I'm not walking all that way'! And my Son Matthew replied 'Don't worry Sarah I will carry you'! Awe bless.
Application:Logic Pro
File type:mp3
File size:5.7 Mb
Weekly plays:7
Weekly downloads:0
License:Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
I was insrired to write a song because my son asked the question " Do flowers sing in heaven" Kids say the darnest things. Lovely song. You were truly inspired