Music » Rock » TrebleFace » Song
Darkness In My Head
Song information
A song about sleep paralysis. Worst kind of dreaming you can have. I sing in my spooky voice with creepy crawler lyrics :)
Released: 06-Apr-2024
Category: Rock
Application: GarageBand
File type: m4a
File size: 11.4 Mb
Plays: 15
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
I hear voices coming from in my head
Whispers coming from underneath my bed
Fearing for my life I cannot scream
Eyes wide open its not a dream

There’s darkness, darkness, darkness in my head

Who is crawling on the floor
Who is knocking on my door
Paralyzed I cannot awake
Running for my life I cannot escape

The darkness, darkness, darkness in my head

Demons taking me to the sky
Laughing as they hear me cry
They want to drop me to the ground
I awake but there’s no one around

Just darkness, darkness, darkness in my head
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Yes... CREEPY! Music is aces... Well played. Well produced sound.
Honestly didn't enjoy the vocal, although I understand why you chose to go that route. Would like to hear a version with a straight-forward vocal approach, allowing the music and the lyrics to carry the message. Sleep paralysis sucks. Had it once...
Latest song: All Is Quiet
11 months ago
Yes creapy and I can follow the feeling of a nightmare you just cannot wake up from. Really enjoyed the listen
Latest song: Witch Dance
11 months ago
I experienced sleep paralysis a long time ago and it was very scary. Enjoyed the listen.
I remember sleep paralysis-hit me from 78 -83 you have captured the terror in a unique and accurate way
Latest song: Flow
11 months ago
Nightmares are the sources of many many great artworks (books, music, paintings, sculptures...). It's inspiring. Your 'spooky' voice is matching the mood ! Fine music too !
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10 months ago
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