Music » Funk » Grathy » Song
If Only You Knew (open collaboration)
by   Grathy
Song information
Love some of you you to join in. Sexy funky vibe.
Backing track courtesy of
Released: 17-Jun-2024
Category: Funk
Application: GarageBand
File type: m4a
File size: 5.9 Mb
Plays: 7
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
What if you knew, you knew
What I’m thinking of

Would we stay together
Or would you rise above

To seek a different life
One that leaves me behind

Although we’ve shared so much
You think that I’m so blind

I know you dream of others
Both near and far away

I’d be such a fool to think
That I could make you stay

What if you knew
All the things our love could be

Would you simply abandon us
For flights of fancy?

What if I could roll back the clock
Back to years ago

And change the face of time
And make the future show

Perhaps the things that we’ve endured
Would simply go away

Oh how I wish I wish
That I could make you stay
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Cool Funk Mary ... Ultra cool music  Please check your email I sent you a remix to Idle Talk :)
3 months ago
Great vocals Mary. Love it!!
3 months ago
@yoslounge @deezee Thanks, having fun trying some new things!
3 months ago
That backing track you chose is sure funky. Cool bass lines.
Your voice is in fine form Mary.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
3 months ago
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