Music » Funk » SoulFingers » Song
Soul Train 74
Song information
This is a hommage to the great funk bands of the 70s like the AWB or the JBs with a slight Bootsie touch in the middle. The drum track was taken from another site and the drummer (baerenkind) gave me his ok.

Played on my P bass with foam muted flatwound strings and Squier Jazzmaster for the rhythm guitar.

98 BPM and key is E minor. Some funky horns or even some vocals would be great.
Released: 06-Jul-2024
Category: Funk
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 6.9 Mb
Plays: 25
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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Once the guitar and bass kick in, it's funk immediately :-)
Nice easy listening.
Latest song: Fare Well
2 months ago
Nice groove, one sax like Maceo would be great. Cool funky track.
Latest song: Come Closer
2 months ago
Sounds like Sammy Dixon is needed.  This is his wheel house.  Maybe it would work out.  Bravo! 
2 months ago
Yeah, there are a lot of spaces for adding sax soli in that very catchy piece. Jazzreeds is a good sax player.
2 months ago
What you've got here so far is really fantastic.   Would you want some keys (electric piano/organ or lead guitar here as well?
Latest song: University
2 months ago
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