Music » Jazz » Grathy » Song
Some Day
Song information
A pensive piece about what we all eventually go through. Thank you Tom for the remix, and to Andri for the great template.
Released: 07-Jul-2024
Category: Jazz
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 8.5 Mb
Plays: 13
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
Vocals and lyrics by Mary McGrath
Copyright 7/6/24-All rights reserved

there won’t be two of us, 
the other one left behind 
to sweep up the ashes, 
and make sense of the dust,
sign the forms
and close out things
that we must.

Some of my friends, 
older wiser, bolder
have climbed these 
barren walls before 
with the view so stark 
and night so dark
and a partner never more.

They strive to 
breathe new life 
as they try 
to put their world 
in motion once again,

A new refrain
on a lonely life
where suddenly 
they were hurled.

How did they manage
without that partner, 
shuffling from room to room 
combing through a
cobweb of memories
as each room grows darker.

How do they maintain 
a zest for life, 
when the person they loved
is no longer there, 
the constant strife
of a life now laid bare,

Without that one
to help them 
through the struggle of days
and mounds of things 
that have to be done.

Someday there won't be 
a you and I, 
just one of us looking around 
for a sign from the sky
the ghost of the other, 
helping us to get by,

And one of us
still having to try,
to make some sense 
of what time remains.
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The music is meditative and tasty, but allows the spoken word to stay in focus.  A nice work on a topic that's still a ways off for me and my love I hope, but someday it is.
Latest song: Fare Well
3 months ago
Thank you. So many of my friends have lost/will lose their partners, and I really feel for them. I can't imagine....
Latest song: Cut Me Loose
3 months ago
Lyrics that very much strike a person to the heart and well effective.  The music almost feels as if it's the healing factor in what this would be like.   The music itself is quite relaxing and soothing.  
Latest song: Gran Torino
3 months ago
Your lyrics are always so good. This one has so much strength. Sad reallity.
Latest song: Come Closer
2 months ago
Couldn't imagine my life without my wife Claire. Kind of message that relates to everyone. Great music and vocal performance in this song Mary.
2 months ago
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