Music » Rock » eX1_Music » Song
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TRIBUTE to Emerson Lake and Palmer
Ok, I had to share this because it blew my mind.
I recently discovered ai and have been working with it as a tool for ideas. Well I wrote the Lyrics to a song idea I had and since I cannot sing, 😂
I thought ai could help me with that 🤔
So after giving it a prompt of what I wanted, this song was created. I almost fell off my chair when I heard the first Verse. I don’t know about you, but I believe ai is going to be used a lot now that it is available, unless the Major Record Companies shut them down. I have no idea how ai works, but it in mind blowing for sure.
Thank you for listening….
Released: 10-Jul-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 9.2 Mb
Plays: 12
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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I get it!  It's exactly as described.  Carl Palmar made that band.  Bravo! 
7 months ago
Hey this was cool.. Maybe I should trade in my 'Social-Lites' for AI my area, we have food delivery robots and when I see them daily, I talk to them!  It's an interesting time to be alive for sure- This was Majestic to boot
7 months ago
Certainly impressive. I'm still not sure how I feel about AI-created art, music, writing, etc. I'm firmly in favor of using AI tools to aid in creation - love what Apple has done using AI in Logic - but I can't deny this is a really great sounding example of what it can do.
Thanks for sharing.
7 months ago
Wow, it's crazy what AI can do nowadays. Being unable to sing anything, I should probably give it a try... Wonderful song.
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