Music » Inspirational » PaulCurtis » Song
Changes In The Wind
Song information
Changes In The wind is a ballad I wrote that hits home with me. changes in the wind brings storms unexpected, from different directions. It may be relationships gone bad, friends or family that is not the same, health issues and all of a sudden the leaves (life) are out of place from where they once fell down, life is now changed. My thought in writing this song is instead of dwelling on the now, instead, I keep the good memories in my heart and remember to focus on those because somethings just cannot be changed. I played the instruments, piano and keys along with all the vocals as well as mixed and mastered this. I hope if you listen, that it brings you the same peace as it did me.
Released: 22-Jul-2024
Category: Inspirational
Application: Studio One
File type: mp3
File size: 7.2 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Splendid song ... words, music & vocals
Latest song: Revival
1 month ago
Thank you!!
Latest song: Call Me Crazy
1 month ago
Very beautiful intro. Very cool song that evolves slowly until that superb final.
1 month ago
Thank you for the comment and listen 🤘🤘
Latest song: Call Me Crazy
1 month ago
Splendid Paul.  Thank you for posting your songs here.  I missed your tunes.  The vocals on this one are classic. 
1 month ago
So good to have you back bro.
Your spirit is needed here!
Beautiful song, beautifully sung!
Latest song: Reckless
1 month ago
@Wyndsok @Daugrin 
Thank you for you comments and listens, much appreciated and good to be back 🤘🤘🙂
Latest song: Call Me Crazy
1 month ago
Epic. Beautiful. I love how you used strings on this. Very tasteful and delicate. Bravo.
1 month ago
Thank you Dyl, I appreciate the listen and comment.!!
Latest song: Call Me Crazy
1 month ago
Beautiful ballad. Everything is just perfect. the vocals are great!
Latest song: Simple Minds
1 month ago
Thank you for the listen and awesome comment!!!
Latest song: Call Me Crazy
1 month ago
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