Music » Other » Nuuute » Song
Forever Is Gone
by   Nuuute
Song information
When a friend of ours died after a several years battle with cancer I just wrote and recorded this.
*** guitar, vocals, cello(synth) ***
Released: 26-Oct-2023
Category: Other
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 2.4 Mb
Plays: 17
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Non-commercial derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Take my heart, take my hand, take my name and then we'll start this life we've planned.
I'll take your heart, I'll take your hand, and when we say "I do" we'll know where our life began.

But all this time we thought we had for living now is gone.
Thought we'd live forever, I was wrong.
Thought we'd live forever, I was wrong.

So take my heart, while you can, For tomorrow isn't promised to any man.
I'll take your heart, while I can, But baby don't leave me yet this wasn't in the plan.

But all this time we thought we had for living now is gone.
Thought we'd live forever, I was wrong.
Thought we'd live forever, I was wrong.
Thought we'd live forever, forever's gone
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Heart felt and very poignant lyrics. Beautiful tribute to your friend. I lost my lovely twin sister in January this year, after a 3 year battle with the Big C. So I can relate to this.
11 months ago
This is how to write a song… poignant honest… you have framed the underlying angst of our mortality in your well crafted conversation/narrative… to top it off your voice and guitar serve well to further the strong emotion… well done…
11 months ago
Dennis, this is great. So glad to see you here again. Cheers
11 months ago
Unfortunately, this song is so relatable to almost everyone. Very well written and performed. Glad to see you back
Latest song: Dirty Little Boy
11 months ago
Really moving piece. Thank you for sharing it with us...
11 months ago
great! roootsy
Latest song: Silver Dagger
11 months ago
Beautiful song. Sorry to hear about your friend.
Latest song: 7 days 2
10 months ago
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