Music » Rock » AlHughson » Song
A song for Susan
Song information
Yes it is a cover arguably not a good one.Susan asked me to record it for her in 98-it was the best i could do
Released: 07-Aug-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 20.1 Mb
Plays: 20
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
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Really really well done. I cannot believe I can listen to music of this quality and not pay for it.
Latest song: Strange Love
1 month ago
Wonderful my friend! 
You've done a stellar job on my favorite song of all time!!
Latest song: Synestia
1 month ago
A fine cover of a great rock classic!
Latest song: Reckless
1 month ago
Everybody knows this song, I hope. I would have put more expressions in the flute in the beginning. Always loved the way this song evolves slowly and finishes in guitar riffs chao. Great cover Al.
1 month ago
Lovely take on a big classic 
Latest song: Revival
1 month ago
Wow this is a fantastic cover.  The music is perfect, love the guitar solo and the vocals is amazing.  The fast singing at the end reminds of Joe Cocker.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
1 month ago
@TrebleFace  Yep I'm no bob plant but what I can I do -Thank you-now tere's a song ;)
Latest song: Wear The Fox Hat
27 days ago
@Wyndsok  when i recorded this i did not own a 1275 so all the twelvfe strings are faked would love to do it again but with Susan gone what would be the point
Latest song: Wear The Fox Hat
12 days ago
@thsantac They are not flutes-recorders played on a mellatron,hence the lack of expression but I get yer point :)
Latest song: Wear The Fox Hat
9 days ago
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