Music » Other » Grathy » Song
The Fears of Tired Souls
by   Grathy
Song information
From my album Jazz Joint on, done with Gees17.

I like experimenting with "music" so not sure of the category. Hope you enjoy.
Released: 19-Aug-2024
Category: Other
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 5.1 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 8
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
The Fears of Tired Souls
Lyrics and vocals by Mary McGrath
Copyright 3/11/10
All rights reserved

The boughs break
And the petals fall
It is evening, with the frost
Yet no one hears the screaming
Of souls
Who tire of living
Their tears, like the rain
Bitter water trickles
Down the cheeks
The creeks, the rivers
Of sorrow, no plans
For tomorrow
More boughs will break
Hearts will ache
Yet no one hears
No one hears
The tears,
The fears of tired souls
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This one I particularly like with the reverb on the vox and other instruments.  Gives a psychadelic feel to be sure.
Latest song: The Big Electron
1 month ago
Wow Mary... This is INTENSE! Yeah, and as Mark wrote, with a bit of a psychedelic feel.
Very cool experimentation. Top notch vocals of course!
Latest song: Reckless
1 month ago
Very nicely made! Has such an energetic drive.
Latest song: On a Meadow
29 days ago
Thank you all for stopping by… It's fun to stretch the borders of what we traditionally consider to be music.
29 days ago
Wow. What a trippy, floating, tune. Love it.
Latest song: I Can't do it
26 days ago
Love it. That bass action really drives this one with the drums a perfect compliment.
The tears, The fears of tired souls
Latest song: You Lookin at Me
25 days ago
Thank you all for stopping by… The fun thing with sound is that you really can't define it. What is music? What isn't? It's all subject to interpretation.
25 days ago
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