Music » Pop » jmill » Song
We Do Second Chances
by   jmill
Song information
A song
Released: 31-Aug-2024
Category: Pop
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 7.3 Mb
Plays: 9
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 9
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
1. We inch along our journey hill-ward as we climb
The howling day is ended, a salt-swept rock we find.

They say in this life there are no second chances 
We do mistakes, do them well, then turn around
No phony glosses to cover up our losses.
We do it real, hand in hand, and carry on.

2. Rushing to the silence, a symphony of night
The pluming waves now distant, muted in the dimming light
The curtain call is echoing, calling out to you and me
A deserted concert hall, the sounds of silence scream.

3. Footlights floating in the mist, memories - another shore
Rise between sky and sea, a portrait seen before
Moments scattered on the ground, pebbles from our past
Line up with tears and wisdom, guiding us in our path.

4. Images like fairy tales tell stories that will last
Calling to the future, calling us out of our past.

**Last chorus - first line:
In this life we do second chances...

Lyrics: Jack Miller and my daughter Laura Rosenkranz
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Why don't you post the lyrics Jack? This is a real gem. 
Classic folk-rock with that West Coast feel that you do so very well.
Glad you're back in the saddle brother!
Latest song: This Desert Place
3 months ago
"Moments scattered on the ground, pebbles from our past Line up with tears and wisdom, guiding us in our path."
----LOVE this line!
Latest song: This Desert Place
3 months ago
Not really back in the saddle. This one is from 2014. Most of the lyrics in the verses are from a poem my daughter wrote when hiking through Ireland.
3 months ago
Btw, @Wyndsok , very much appreciate your nice comments.
3 months ago
Very listenable song. Reminds me of Neil Young.
3 months ago
Hey, you might not be back in the saddle, but at least you haven't fallen off your horse!
Latest song: This Desert Place
3 months ago
Splendid listen Jack 
Lovely music & vocals 
Well enjoyed
3 months ago
You have a great voice! Nice groove!
Latest song: I Fall to Pieces
3 months ago
Thanks, @StanTheManLoh , @yoslounge , and @Grathy for dropping in to listen to this song. I appreciated your generous comments. Best to you all...
3 months ago
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