Music » Rock » AlHughson » Song
Slip Away
by   AlHughson   and   DonMar
Song information
This song became the instrumental The Hunt posted some months ago-I remixed this in 2016 but this is an earlier mix which now I look back on it was better
Released: 13-Sep-2024
Category: Rock
Application: Reaper
File type: mp3
File size: 7.3 Mb
Plays: 9
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 9
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
Slip Away 

Slip away
I’ll slip away
Into the breathing darkness       
Be okay
I’ll be okay
Silence isn’t heartless
I’ve said all I want to say
Let me, let me slip away

Slip away
I'll slip away
No fear of looming shadows      
Be complete
I’ll be complete
Changeling desperado
I've said all I want to say
Let me, let me slip away

If you remember me at all
Hold this in your mind
Though I began an upright man
I leave no trace behind

Slip away
I’ll slip away
Far from all the voices
Be okay
I’ll be okay
Making somber choices
I’ve said all I want to say
Let me, let me slip away

© 2012-2013 Donna Devine

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 great tune. i like the vocals and guitar, and how they are woven together. thanks!
5 days ago
oooooh... SPOOKY good!
Lyrics, vocals, guitar... everything melds together seamlessly.
Latest song: OLMEC Dreamscape
4 days ago
What a an awesome collaboration!
Great gravelly vocals!!
Latest song: Synestia
3 days ago
Great song. Nice unique style.  Your voice suites the lyrics perfectly.  Nice lyrics.
Latest song: Bad Luck Man
3 days ago
Cool collaboration.  All the parts that make up.the song mesh together fantastically.
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2 days ago
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