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RECKLESS He’s a big dog, a reckless male! He’ll grab a passing comet by the tail; ride it bareback into the Sun… Anything goes, so long as it’s fun! He is a wild card, a loose cannon, that’s for sure. He’s not concerned with all the rest. —Pursues the ladies with a heart that is impure; blind to the fact that he’s a pest… He’s a big dog, a reckless male! He’s got the moxy; the wind in his sails. Thinks it impossible that he could fail; until one day he’s swallowed by a whale. He has no time for others suffering and pain. He says he’s really not to blame. But he’s left behind a bloody trail of broken hearts. The body-count begins to mount! On rare occasions he will snatch a lucid moment; —a nagging insight into his own true condition It makes him so uneasy, this unsought for ferment! He will suppress it so it does’t become permanent. NO! He plays the fool, livin’ for thrills; suckin’ the bottle, and swallowing pills. Lives like tomorrow never will come; but they’ll be a reckoning when the day is done. They’ll be a reckoning when the day is done! He got no back up plan, got no ace in the hole. He laughs and says “That’s how I roll.” One has to wonder, yeah, I’d really like to know… Who’ll have his back, when it’s time to pay the toll? He’s a big dog, the reckless one! Prime donna! Unfortunate son! Hollow heart with nothing to show… Will he awake before it’s time to go? Will he awake before it’s time to go? Will he awake before… ?
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