An electro-classico-rock piece with some Vangelis inspiration, quite grandiloquent but I thought it was obvious to give a millenarian style to this piece. I mainly used Alchemy and NI FM8 synth plug-in blended with choirs and electro drums.
Loops used : electro drums.
As always comments will be truly appreciated.
Application:Logic Pro
File type:mp3
File size:13.2 Mb
Weekly plays:11
Weekly downloads:1
License:Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
The Name Vangelis will always peak my interest Thierry, and wow this was a real orchestral treat !! the synths and choirs are AMAZING ....Symphonic chiors vst ?
It's ok to be grandiloquent once in a while (more annoying if you are everyday, while cooking in the kitchen or talking to the neighbours!!!). As long as there is beauty attached to it. And there is, here. There is also drama, emotions and chills. What more can we ask for, really ? (and i love this almost jazzy piano part near the end...)