Music » Rock » TrebleFace » Song
Starship Time Machine
Song information
Three unfinished songs I had and merged them into a common theme.

Part 1. Starship Time Machine: is about dreaming of getting away into deep space and leave back the stress of the earth.

Part 2: Get Away: Flying through Space loving the synth guitars and if you know The Mule you might see a resemblance.

Part 3: The Black Hole: All good things come to an end. The Starship Time Machine hits an asteroid belt causing navigation problems and loses control. As a result, out of control it gets swallowed up into a black hole resulting in madness which is a guitar solo I once recorded while practicing trying to play as fast as possible. The speed of light.
Released: 16-Jan-2025
Category: Rock
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 14.3 Mb
Plays: 18
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Jump into a starship time machine
Faster than anything you've ever seen
Leave behind the human race
Bend the fabric of time and space

Say goodbye to all your friends
Go on journeys that have no ends
Drifting into a black hole
endlessly out of control

I got to get away... Far away.  Far Away

10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
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Love it!!
26 days ago
Galloping through the galaxy. Cool the way you combined these unfinished pieces. Somehow it works. The lost of control and disorientation as you hit the astroid belt is very effective. Hot guitar. Quite a trip Matt.
Latest song: Shiloh
26 days ago
Ha! What a trip!
I have on more than one occasion combined pieces originally intended to be separate.
Whatever works, right?
Latest song: Run Sally Run
26 days ago
@deezee @Wyndsok @Bowman thanks for the listen guys.  I'm going to have to change the vocal tracks.  I did t get the affect I wanted.  Also maybe the chaotic drumming at the end is to fast 😏
Wow! Transporting!
24 days ago
Enjoyed the trip. :)
20 days ago
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