Music » Folk » SR_Sings » Song
As You Wish (*Live from the Stairwell* Voice Memo Demo*)
Song information
Fun little Voice Memo recording full of Natural Reverb, recorded while walking up my 3 story apartment building stairwell a few years back.
I miss that place. Crap apartment, but excellent reverb in the stairwell.
It was impossible not to at least whistle a note walking up those stairs (no Elevator).
This particular night, I had a few too many beers and cigarettes
I recorded this through my phone riding in my shirt pocket.

Very little processing in Pro Tools. A LPF to cut the lowest resonances and just enough sculpted Eq to excite some other frequencies.

Enjoy the raw performance, thumb bumbles and all.

Released: 09-Nov-2023
Category: Folk
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 6.9 Mb
Plays: 11
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Authentic song recorded in an authentic place. It is really good!
Latest song: Strange Love
10 months ago
This song reminds me of those days in Hi School,when me and fellas would sing in the bathroom(great echo)and and open the door for people passing by(hopefully girls) would take notice.Good song man,and loved the way you found it.
Latest song: How Long
10 months ago
Beautiful song
10 months ago
Super cool! Sounds like a treasure recording!
Latest song: 7 days 2
10 months ago
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