Music » Classical » Sprout » Song
A field full of dreams
by   Sprout
Song information
I was born on a farm 49 years ago today , my childhood memories always take me back to running through open fields of grass with no cares or stress ... Those were my fields full of dreams , Have a beautiful weekend all " Sprout " x
Released: 11-Nov-2023
Category: Classical
Application: FL Studio
File type: mp3
File size: 4.0 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
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That is a beautiful piece that says exactly what you describe
Latest song: Strange Love
10 months ago
Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a lovely day Sprout :) Beautiful memories put to music. Love it.
10 months ago
Thank you Kenneth , and thank you deezee means a lot :)
Latest song: A dream for peace
10 months ago
Very Ethereal - I like the progression, sometimes its good to change the instrumentation and develop the theme to keep the ear going but just a suggestion as this has set my pallet - love the birds
Cheers Silky, as soon as I figure out what I am doing with this software I will be really pushing the envelope :)
Latest song: A dream for peace
10 months ago
Would have been great with some variations as Paul suggested. Great theme.
10 months ago
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