Music » Classical » thsantac » Song
Beethoven - Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 - IV-V - Presto
Song information
Following, and, this is 4th and 5th movement of this amazing symphony. In the 4th movement, Beethoven takes us in his research of universal melody for all mankind. We listen to his attempt to find it as the celli and contrabasses play together. In his research, he tries to find the melody in the previous movements :
at 0:46 : First movement ? No.
at 1:21 : Second movement ? No.
at 1:46 : Third movement ? No.
Then at 3:06, the melody arises until 6:26, when the 5th movement begins. To be honest I didn't succeed in getting a good result for the last movement. Tried several times to separate the voices from the instruments with the help of but the result wasn't good enough. And a 25 minutes song would have been too long to be uploaded here. So the last movement has been cut...
Released: 25-Nov-2023
Category: Classical
Application: Logic Pro
File type: mp3
File size: 16.4 Mb
Plays: 11
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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Thierry where is the 5th movement :) just kidding This is awesome my man it is too bad here on iband so little taste for the majestic classics Thanks for sharing
Latest song: Calling Home
1 year ago
I do have a liking for Beethoven and sounds amazing ! I can only imagine the work gone into this ...... My morning mug of coffee as the day awakes is so much more pleasurable thanks to this ☕☕
Latest song: UPlift
1 year ago
This movement sounded good to me! So, you extracted the voices from another recording and embedded them into your file? If so, that might be difficult to sync. Just my musing. An ambitious project, and it goes to show how far sample libraries and digital audio workstations have come. Bravo!
1 year ago
Fantastic work again Thierry. I can understand the struggle with the opera voices. None of the synth V voices would be any good. They are designed for pop. Asian pop. Great for pop songs. The other challenge is that they are designed for English, Chinese, and Japanese. There is a new male voice released that can sing Spannish. I have not seen any German yet. What you did with the AI extraction is none the less very successful. Well done.
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1 year ago
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