Music » Other » SmokeyVW » Song
I Want
Song information
A poem about want.

I debated whether to repeat "I want" on each phrase or not... in print it seems unneeded, but when spoken, it seems to lend a certain cohesiveness to it. What do you think?

Originally posted as a poem here

Released: 02-Dec-2023
Category: Other
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 14.0 Mb
Plays: 8
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 2
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
i want 

a warm bed
to be loved
a safe place
a soft pillow

a future
summer vacation
to hit a home run
to be liked
to be with my friends
the truth
to be tall
an easy path from here to the bar
      & back home
physical love

to finish school
to be a rock star
world peace
to be a poet
a quiet day with a clear blue sky
to live out my life with you
a music box that plays in-a-gadda-da-vida

your attention
      if just for a few moments

the occasional soft day
a comfortable shoe
to be competent
a good night's sleep
to live out my life with you
a crackling fire in the fireplace
to know my children
      will live good lives
my doubts to be eased
emotional love

snow on firs
to be on the team
a job well done
to be left alone
a cat in my lap
crickets singing at night
a fire truck
      going somewhere else

more time
a light breeze rustling the trees
three day weekends
to be free of wants

towering cumulus clouds
no aches & pains
thunder, in the distance
to be a poet
to know my grandchildren
      will live good lives
peace of mind
to be remembered

a small bowl of vanilla ice cream
a past
to retire
my fears to vanish
summer vacation
to live out my life
      with you

one of those big burgers they used to sell
      with onions

that's all

i want
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Me too man! Well...except for those big burgers. Ha ha ... Nice poem friend ... Very much enjoyed the piano meanderings. Laughed at the In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida line... Clever that.
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
10 months ago
That kept me captivated and excited all the way through. What powerful words. Nicely supported by the piano. Well done. Big art.
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10 months ago
I want more artistry like this.
9 months ago
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