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Help picking a genre

15-Feb-2024 | 9:12 PM
I'm not necessarily asking to add more genre's to the selection list, I just need help figuring out where I fit?  My music seems to be on the cusp of different genre's, but I don't know exactly what to pick when I upload. I get the "Other" choice is probably where I'll end up, but I feel like listeners may not always click that when looking for certain types of music by genre. 
Don't worry Pete. The fact that you do not fit in to a specific genre means that you are keeping music alive. Let me expand on that. Music evolves and transforms, Kafkaesque, into other forms. And without evolution there cannot be progression. What typically happens in 'popular' music is that there is a music revolution. Others like the sound of it and actively write in that genre - but it is those outside of the boundaries that will create the next genre. It's why these genres are often so short-lived. Unless we move on, we stagnate. Embrace the fact your music cannot be categorised, and fear the day it can...
Latest song: No Belief
1 year ago
@JHarley well, I truly appreciate that response! Well put, and has concretely convinced me to hold the course!
1 year ago
Simply?  If it fits into a genre it's not of the Muse.  It's imitation.  We have too much of that already. 
1 year ago
maybe avant-garde would work?
Latest song: Womantic
29 days ago
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