Music » Other » Grathy » Song
Lunch at Ruby's Diner
by   Grathy   and   Ruby
Song information
If you've ever worked in a diner, this is a fun piece I did with Ruby several years ago… It's a bunch of women having a gossipy meal, based on a poem I wrote from my book, Trespassing Stoplights and Attitudes (1980).
Released: 23-Dec-2023
Category: Other
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 1.2 Mb
Plays: 11
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 11
Weekly downloads: 1
License: No derivative works allowed
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Cool collab!! A fun listen :)
9 months ago
Haha, this was really a lot of fun
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
Elaine is so gifted… And I was happy that she decided to join me on this collaborative effort
9 months ago
ultracool collab I like this one :-)
9 months ago
Thank you everyone this was a fun project so many years ago… I think 2009! It’s fun to play around with the concept of “music.”.
9 months ago
Funny !
9 months ago
Hee heeeeee... You got me Mary. At first, I thought a call was coming in on my phone while I was trying to listen. Then it hit me: "Hey! That's not my ring tone... DOH!" Big fun this! 😁👍🥳😘
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
9 months ago
The phone is ringing!! I have to pick it up, oh it's not mine. I always come to these dinner love the waitresses <3
Latest song: Come Closer
9 months ago
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