Music » Other » GroundSwell401 » Song
Treacherous Cretins (Zappa cover)
Song information
This is one of Frank's vamps that was a vehicle for him to solo over. I did this a long time ago on an earlier version of Garageband (2012). It was on the Shut up and Play Yer Guitar series. Wish I still had the original GB files but I lost them, just some mp3's remain, so this cannot be updated and re-equed and whatever. Hopefully it won't rip your ears off. Thanks for listening!
Released: 30-Dec-2023
Category: Other
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 7.7 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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I never listened much to Frank Zappa. Maybe I should plan an hour of rediscovery on Youtube music one day. Very nice music. Well played
Latest song: Strange Love
9 months ago
Sounds great to my ears!!
8 months ago
Like Kenneth, I never followed Zappa (apart from the first three or four "Mothers" albums), but I've always respected his talent. So never heard the original. I do enjoy this though. Some tasty lead licks herein Todd. 👍👌🤩
Latest song: We Will Not Bow
8 months ago
Many thanks to you folks: KennethLavrsen, Wyndsok, and deezee!
8 months ago
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