Music » Pop » Toveco » Song
A New Light
by   Toveco   and   Fretnoises
Song information
All Real Instruments by Patrick Rives (not on iBand yet) and Solo by Mikael Lindh, Fretnoises
Produced and Mixed by me.
Released: 03-Jan-2024
Category: Pop
Application: Harrison Mixbus
File type: mp3
File size: 12.4 Mb
Plays: 21
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
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That is a well produced track. The simple motif in the beginning develops so well while the backing builds up with also percussion and then drums. And then nice development up of well played chords that also carries a new melody leading into a fantastic solo and finale with the voices adding power. And it all sounds amazing. Well done.
Latest song: Strange Love
8 months ago
Wow, that was a nice review Thanks! Kenneth
Nice production Tom..
8 months ago
Great production & mix. Enjoyed!!
8 months ago
Oh man... When that percussion kicked in... my heart skipped a beat. Smooth sailing thereafter! Majestic kick-butt soloing! Top drawer production as usual Tom! 👌👍🤩
Latest song: Days Go By
8 months ago
All is based on a simple 3 notes motif and it works very well. Then it is developing in a very nice way with a cool chords change in the middle. Simply the kind of instrumental I like so much. Guitar solo is impressive. And as usual, sound is perfect my dear fiend.
8 months ago
This sounds awesome, like it belongs in a movie!
8 months ago
The production and mix are great as usual Once the guitars and vocals kicked in, I immediately thought of the early 80's band Asia. This is pretty cool.
Latest song: University
8 months ago
Thank you all, for all nice comments I'm happy I find one more Great musician to work with :)
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