Music » Other » Ruby » Song
Nature Boy
by   Ruby   and   AnCiBug
Song information
Cover of Nature Boy.

I have a problem figuring out genres.
Released: 25-Sep-2023
Category: Other
Application: Other
File type: mp3
File size: 6.8 Mb
Plays: 23
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: No derivative works allowed
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I love the seductive quality of your vocals here, Elaine! Great work all around!
Latest song: Exposure
1 year ago
American PopularMusic. Ya gotta love it. And you do sound like you should be singing the next "Bond" theme.
Latest song: Chaos
1 year ago
Love this song, this genre is referred to as Nu Jazz. Great work!
Latest song: Matter At Hand
12 months ago
I have only one word: WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
11 months ago
i agree : Bond theme
Latest song: gipsy
11 months ago
"Wooooo!" (in a medium lounge voice, to match the great track!) enjoyed
11 months ago
So good to hear your sweet and soothing vocals again Elaine! Very good sound too.
Latest song: Come Closer
10 months ago
What is this nonsense youth waiting to make a trance track out of this?
Latest song: Du är
10 months ago
Fresh take on a classic song. I like it. Lovely vocal work, Elaine. And cool mix. Enjoyed.
Latest song: Fools & Angels
10 months ago
Just a diva. The step on the groove works perfectly here. Sweet piano voicing. Thanks for sharing.
10 months ago
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