Music » Inspirational » Macoco » Song
Du är
by   Macoco   and   Petra
Song information
This is what I wrote in iComp, November 14, 2007:

“Some time ago I sent Petra some music to sing on. She asked me to wait a bit because she had one of her art exhibitions and would be busy for a while.
A few days later, I received from Petra this pure gem in my mailbox.
I feel blessed when I am allowed to be part of the musical world of someone I admire.
This is a song with Petra singing and me on instruments: just an excuse to make Petra sing with her unique voice. Thank you, Petra.”

It was 17 years ago.
Before social media.
iComp was just a small chat window and a lot of listening. In that little chat window a LOT of things happened. People were born, some people died, people got divorced, people got married....
I only remember two couples of iCompers who got married, and Petra was part of one of those two couples.
Petra was like something out of a Bergman movie, transparent, made of sky and golden barley, while my music was rock, blues, Latin and stinky Macoco's Bar, until I sent her this strange chord evolution that she was kind enough to not only improve it, but make it unforgettable with her voice.

17 years later, I sing it in the shower, whistle it in the street, remember every word in that precious language she was kind enough to translate for me, for us.

Gracias Petra.
Released: 07-Sep-2024
Category: Inspirational
Application: GarageBand
File type: mp3
File size: 4.3 Mb
Plays: 10
Downloads: 1
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 1
License: Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Du är

You are..
I'm standing here 
in your light
do the time comes 
and give us life..

You are..
like the life for me.. 
is there more life
is there more time

If I'm standing here
in your light
do the time comes (here) 
and give me life.. 
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12 days ago
@Macoco @Petra 
OMG this is beautiful! 
Sublime music provides the perfect foil for Petra's gossamer vocals.
Really nice lyrics too.
Latest song: Reckless
12 days ago
Beautiful! So beautiful!
11 days ago
Like swimming in the sky
Latest song: Simple Minds
10 days ago
This is so beautiful. And the fact I understand the Swedish words elevates my experience even more.
Latest song: Strange Love
10 days ago
Macoco, you are so sweet. This music you made for me to sing with was and is still just so beautiful .. Thank you!
5 days ago
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