From Richard Strauss' 1896 tone poem, made famous in Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey", I first transcribed it into Musescore 3 a few years ago. Being clever, I took a bunch of shortcuts with dynamics, that, surprise, weren't supported in Musescore 4, so I had to re-annotate them in the score.
File type:mp3
File size:1.8 Mb
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License:Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
Such a great piece of music. Richard Strauss is one of my favorites. I love this piece in its entirety. The intro is famous but the rest is actually also really nice
I'm hearing the organ pedal, at the beginning, along with the double basses and contrabassoon. I don't know Musescore all that well at all, but sonically this sounds good! Brasses, specifically, are really tricky to emulate, but they sound authentic here. It's also nice to hear the actual orchestration that Strauss intended. Oftentimes, with these programs/samples, the clarity of specific instruments is lost with rendering. It all becomes a thick sonic soup. Not here. To my ear, it's the E-Flat Clarinet that shines and carries a lot of the melody, which was Strauss' intent. An enjoyable listen, indeed!
Soul: I was surprised myself. I first did it in MS3, and it sounded ... ok. Recognizable, at least. When I tried it in MS4, and made dynamics changes based on feedback I got here, it was surprising how good freeware could play it.